Monday, July 26, 2010

What A Weekend!


The weekend was anything but productive or nice or peaceful, or any other pleasing adjectives you can think of! About 9 a.m. Saturday morning the well driller came to drill my brother's well. By days end, he had drilled down 300 feet and there was NO water. So he packed up and left. Mary and my brother, Tom, were very disappointed and depressed the rest of the weekend. I can't blame them, as that was quite an expense with nothing to show for it, and probably meant they could not continue with the building of their container home.

I offered some optimism by saying all things happen for a reason, and they should go ahead and develop a plan B and maybe even a plan C! So they did - both. And it seems that they may be able to go with plan B - hook up to "city" water - and still keep their container home where they want it. Of course that will be at another big expense and much hard labor, but all is not lost! So I guess things are on hold until December when they retire and can start work on the water line and everything else that goes along with building a home.

Oh, I forgot.......on Saturday we also ran out of water!! Apparently our well is running low on water and having trouble filling the tank. I'm hoping it's due to the hot, dry weather, and it will recover later. It has filled some and I've really been conserving my water use I'll tell ya. The bright spot for me was going to Sunday school and church and refreshing my soul.

The rest of the weekend I read, visited, did dishes, ate watermelon fresh off the wagon and baked brownies and ate grilled steak! Pretty relaxing after everyone's emotions had calmed down.

Some time ago I mentioned that Ronnie goes shooting with his SASS gang. Below are a couple pictures so you get the idea of what goes on, as far as dress, etc. The dogs belonged to a group who trained service dogs for handicapped people, and the "shoot" was a benefit to raise money for their organization.

This has been a pretty typical Monday........laundry, dishes, etc. I hope yours was good as well. Take care and God bless.

1 comment:

carolina nana said...

Man, so sorry for your brother's dry hole. We had a well drilled last summer and we held our breath for 180 feet until we finally got about 2 gallons per minute. Whew, I know how much they must be disappointed.Hopefully things will work out for them with city water. Blessings to you and them.