Monday, October 28, 2013

Special Day


Today is my favorite #2 daughter's birthday!  She is 48 today; and catches up with her older sister who is also 48 (until November 27th)!  How's that for being busy?  :)

I wish I had a picture of her, but alas, I haven't got one that's on the computer, and I'm not savvy enough to know how to copy one from the old "snapshot" kind.  I'll just say she is a very beautiful young woman, with a great figure - still, after having 5 children , lovely dark brown hair (I wonder if there is any gray in it yet?) a great Mother, a hard worker, and a health food and exercise nut!  (She doesn't get that from her Mother!)

I love you dearly my Karen, and I salute you with this post.  I hope you continue to do well in life.

Until next time..................

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Day


This is my day to be egotistical!  Today I am 69 years old; or young, however you want to look at it!
I had a grand day, with 12 or more Birthday Wishes from friends and family on Facebook, and a telephone call from my #2 daughter.  That was a real treat, as we don't talk much on the phone any more.  AND, I had an early supper in Muskogee at the Rib Crib, one of our favorite places.  I had deep fried shrimp and pulled pork, with seasoned fries and cold slaw and iced tea;  it was/is my favorite meal there. 

The only sad part is I didn't make myself a birthday cake, so there will be no cake and ice cream tonight!  I do have some ice cream cups I could have with an animal cracker though!  :)  Oh!  One cool thing I did this morning was look through my Baby Book.  I found all sorts of old pictures of me from about 2 on up; one with my Grandma and Grandpa, which I dearly love; one with Santa Clause; and one sitting on a stuffed horse!  Also found that I was born at 6:16 p.m. on a Sunday (1944)

On the way home I stopped and took these pictures.  Someone did a bunch of clearing and brought these places in to view and I just love them.

This building is tin, with some concrete and electricity inside.  I have no clue what it was used for.

This building was a barn I'm sure, well worn and weathered.  These building were all covered with trees and underbrush up until a month or so ago.   So good job of clearing to whom ever!

So, that's the end of my special day.  I hope I have many more, but next year will be a big one for me!
And I thank God for giving me these years and all the blessings I have.

Until next time, take care.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Just More Stuff


Well, I found the pictures I was looking for to put in my last post!  So here they are, and I'll say Welcome October again!

I know the shadows are bad and it's hard to tell what these are, but one is a witch (on left) and the other is a ghost!  I saw these cute little things in Dollar General for $1 each and couldn't resist!

That's the extent of my Halloween decorations!  Like, no one will see them anyway!!  LOL

Oh, and last post I did pics of my new Jeep; and now I have a pic of my new Jeep and my Old Jeep.  Which I kind of gave to hubby, but still enjoy our fair weather rides!  The "old Jeep" is a 1974 CJ 5, and we had the engine rebuilt this summer and new brakes and what with the other things already done, it should keep running for another 40 years!


A week or so ago we took a little road trip to Porter, OK to an Apple Orchard (and peaches too).  For 4 years I have been concerned that I never see an apple tree in a yard!  Coming from Washington state where apples are a main crop, it was hard for me to accept.  So I went on line and found some apple orchards.  This one was very nice, with a huge "market" area and mazes and stuff for kids.  I bought (I think) a 1/2 peck of Ruby-Jon apples - a sweet/tart apple, a 1/4 peck of peaches - the last picking, some onions, a cantelope, and a bottle of Honey Mustard dressing.




Well, the peaches are gone - husband ate them; the cantelope is gone, the onions are gone and with a few apples I had on hand, I froze enough for 3 apple cakes and 1 pie.  Pretty sad..........but it was a fun day trip and only cost $18 at the orchard; we stopped at Golden Corral for early supper on the way home.   And speaking of restaurants!  We found out that 2 of our favorites succumbed to fire!  The Rib Crib will open again soon, and our Mexican place is moving across the street from the old place,  and will open when redocorating is done!  We love to go out to eat as you can tell!
I also went to an art show in Checotah, where my friend Kathy was showing some of her art work.  That was very interesting; all kinds of photography, oil paintings, jewelry, wall hangings, etc.  She got orders to make some of her items -- kind of custom work I guess you would say.   So it was a good thing.  And, I went to my friend Judy's sister's funeral this past week.  That was a sad thing, but also a good thing.  Jo, the sister, had cancer of the pancreas and the journey was not long.  She was/is a strong Christian and I admire her handling of the situation.
Now, I think that brings my life up to date!  One more thing; I found this quote that I really, really like:  "I'm not where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be!"
Have a great weekend and I'll see you next time................

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Welcome October!


Dang!  The pictures I wanted to post first I can't find!  I download them from my camera, name them, and then apparently don't name them good enough because I can't find them!  I know they are with other things, but can't remember what other things!  Oh well, they'll  pop up one of these days!  :)

In the meantime, we welcomed October with a new-to-us car; a 2011 Jeep Patriot.  I really like it, but it is much smaller than my old mini van and is white!  (I don't particularly like white vehicles)  I am still getting used to driving it, and I'm sure when the first payment is due in November I'll have second thoughts!!  It's been 4+ years with no payments and now we have to start all over again!  But, the poor old mini van - cira 2002 - was going down hill electronically, physically, etc. so we do what we have to do..............

I'm sure I'll learn to love this one as much as I did my van........just takes time..........

October is one of my favorite months -- the other being November.  I love the changing of the weather and the leaves, and the fall garden/fruit goodies, seeing the Persimmon trees loaded, the Walking Sticks on my windows, etc.  And last but not least, it is the month I will have a birthday in!  Yep, on the 22nd of October I will turn 69.  Maybe that number is what makes me gather these quotes:

"Do not regret growing older.  It is a privilege denied to many." ~ Unknown
"Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative." ~ Maurice Chevalier

And my favorite so far:  "Sometimes I think it would be easier to avoid old age, to die young, but then you'd never complete your life, would you?  You'd never wholly know you."   Any ideas what blond said that????    Ready?   ~~  Marilyn Monroe!

I think I hear a piece of fresh apple/pecan cake calling my name.  Have a good rest of the weekend.  Until next time, take care.