Gosh, here it is 3:00 p.m. and I'm trying to make a new habit; get my blogging done at this time everyday. I was doing it around 7 p.m. each evening, but Ronnie decided to come in the computer room after supper every night - about 6 p.m. - and play games and read SASS stuff and whatever. Anyway, it made my blogging time run later than I like, so I decided to change it!
Now, on to the nuts! This tall tree is a nut tree........I thought it was a Pecan tree, but after looking at the pods and nuts, I don't think so. The stuff on the ground looks exactly like the black walnuts.
The tallest little tree in this bunch is a black walnut tree. I know for certain it is because I looked up the nuts and leaves on-line and it all matches. AND, you cannot crack them! Hard as granite.
This is what the nuts look like on the ground. If any of you are nut experts, let me know what you think they are. All I know is the squirrels are busy running back and forth and they should have a good supply stored up for the winter.
I was so excited when I first saw the nuts and trees, because when I bake I almost always add nuts to whatever -- cookies, brownies, zucchini bread, on top of cakes, etc. Well, burst that bubble! Does anyone have a fool-proof way of cracking black walnuts? If so let me know!
On a completely different subject, I have been wanting to tell you about the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians in Oklahoma. We visited their museum in Muskogee and it was very interesting. They are the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Cherokee and Seminoles. The reason they are called the civilized tribes is because they were not nomadic or fighting warriors. They were hunters and farmers and very domestic, with schools, courts, laws, etc. They also never lived on reservations, but have areas known as their Nations here in Oklahoma. They worked the boundaries out between themselves............now isn't that something! Some other people ought to get a clue about doing that - peacefully! The museum has wonderful history exhibits and art work and a great gift shop. I bought a beautiful black T-shirt done by a Cherokee female artist, which has a wispy horse and rider on it. The museum has a website - www.fivetribes.org - if you care to find out more. The picture below is of the front of my T-shirt and the caption is "To Parts Unknown" by Dana Tiger.
Oklahoma is very rich in Indian history. Our license plates say "Native American", or....if you are a member of one of the tribes you can get that license plate, i.e. "Cherokee Nation", "Choctaw Nation", etc. Lots to learn and see and do.
Take care and God Bless you with His grace.
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