Wednesday, June 13, 2012

For Rent


Gee, it's only been 2 days since I posted!   It doesn't mean I'm getting better, it just means there's something to bend your ear about!  :)

We went to the city yesterday and of course you always have to buy something when you go there.....
and I've been wanting to do this for quite some time, so here's the purchase!

I got the food......
The house.........
The bedding.........

The finished product.....

Now all I need are some occupants!  :)  I should have put a "for rent" sign in the window!   BUT,
hopefully tomorrow I will get some tenants.  "Chicken George" , my neighbor down in the holler, has a bunch of little chickens that free range and he said I could have some.  He will try to catch 2 or 3 tonight when they roost.   They do lay eggs, but the eggs are really small, but I don't really care.  I mainly want to see them running around the yard hunting and pecking and eating bugs!!

The tricky part will be training Salli and Patch to leave them alone!  Hopefully Patch will remember the Guineas and be gentle.  Salli, who knows!!  I still have the feeding and watering stuff from the Guineas so that will be nice.  This thing is supposed to hold up to 4 chickens, but it's awfully small so I'm going for 2 or 3 banty type chickens.  I have to have a place for them to go at night because of the coyotes, hawks and owls, who would love to have them for supper.  Major training session coming!!

So stayed tuned for pictures of the "renters" and further chicken tales!  I'll take any advice you want to offer!! Take care and God bless you and yours and your chickens too (if you have any). 


carolina nana said...

You will love having chickens arouns. I love to just sit and watch mine as they are continuously busy scratching and clucking.

Sonja said...

Yay! Selling mine. Will tell you more later.