Well, here it is mid-week in windy Oklahoma! I am still giving thanks to our God for keeping us safe, and praying for all the families in Joplin, MO who were not spared.
What a horrible tragedy; I cannot imagine going through such an ordeal.
We were supposed have a very severe storm last night, but the good Lord had it skip over us, pretty much. We did have lots of thunder and lightening and rain, but it only lasted a couple hours. Oklahoma City was not so fortunate; a tornado set down there and several people were killed. About 6 p.m. I bundled myself and the 2 dogs into the back portion of my brother's house in process - made of steel containers - and felt very safe. I read and napped and stayed until about 11:30 p.m. when the last cell had passed and then went home. The others stayed at home and were fine, but I say why take chances when the safe place is available?! Anyway, tonight may produce more storms and then we should be okay for a few days.
Now on to other things:
Remember the other day I posted my "pond" and quiet reading area in the yard? Well here is a shot of the beautiful pink Hydrangea I got to compliment the area. Everyone thinks it is a fake one because it is such a perfect shape. I swear to you, its alive and real!
I love it!
This is to show you how well our tomatoes are doing. The one on the front, right, is my Cherokee black tomato, and the one behind it is Lemon Boy, a yellow tomato.
These are the little spindly ones that I got from the "corner" store. I had no idea - or hope - that they wouled bulk up and look so good. Now to see if they produce. I think they are Early Girls and something else.
Okay that kind of brings me up to date with what's going on. But tomorrow I have a really cool picture surprise, ..........so stayed tuned!
Until next time, give thanks for being safe no matter where you are, take care and God Bless.
Glad you are safe. My daughter and family in Ochalata went to shelter as well, but returned home by 10 I think.
My camera is on the fritz or we could compare gardens. Yours is looking great. My squash plants are my best, wih Tomatoes next then Pole beans.
Stay safe and keep sharing. Blessings
Hey Ardith, I glad you were sared the tornados this time. After what happen in Joplin I can imagine how nervous everyone out that way is.
I was wondering what happened to all the under ground shelters folks had years ago? When my uncle and dad lived in OK it seemed everyone had an underground tornado shelter to get in very close to their house. Is that a thing of the past?
Hope you have a safe blessed day
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