Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wheels ~ A Fine Ride


Since I've been having trouble with my legs and hips and back, and can't walk like I used to, I decided I needed something to get around the "grounds" with.  And what could be better than a GAS powered golf cart?!


I found the ad on Craigs list and we went for it.  It involved about a 70 mile, one way, trip, but we saw lots of new countryside and had an enjoyable drive.  The cart was being sold by 2 teenage brothers who now want to buy a pickup!  I got $100 off the asking price and about 1/2 tank of gas in the deal, so not too bad.  It even has a "hitch" so I can pull my garden wagon behind for when I'm policing the litter on our roads, or picking up branches, etc. in the yard.  So far I've ridden it up to the mailbox a couple of times and around the yard.  It's really been too cold out to go "cruising"! 
So, if you're having trouble getting around like you used to, consider getting a gas golf cart!
I love it!   Until next time, take care.

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