Saturday, November 30, 2013

Catch Up


It's been a week since I posted, Thanksgiving has come and gone, and that other holiday is just around the corner!  I am still focused on Thanksgiving however.

These are a bunch of wild turkeys (taken through a screen door) that used to come in our back yard all the time when we lived in Missouri.  I remember the first time I saw them, how excited I was!  I'm an ex-city girl, remember??   I did feel sorry for them though, hoping they wouldn't end up on someone's table on Thanksgiving! 

Oh yeah, this is a better picture!  I can remember our little Calico cat creeping up on them like she was going to make a big kill!  It was amusing to watch.

We spent this Thanksgiving with our friends Kathy and John again.  This is our 3rd year in a row.  I think it has become a tradition now!  Kathy loves to cook and so who am I to turn them down?  Besides, none of us have any other family in Oklahoma, so it's kind of a "misfit" dinner.  Ha!  This year there were 7 of us "misfits", and the dinner was supurb; I told Kat she had outdone herself this year.  We had turkey, meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, dressing, mixed vegetabless, cold slaw, brussel sprouts from my garden fixed with bacon and garlic, 2 kinds of sliced cucumbers, deviled eggs, homemade cranberry sauce, hot rolls and about 6 different kinds of pies and desserts!  I may have missed something, but you get the gist of it!

And I ate most everything without guilt, even though I've started my Lipitor for cholesterol.......bad timing on the doctor's part!  ha  All in all, we had a great dinner and afternoon, visiting with new friends - a young married couple, the girl from San Diego - and old ones, and giving thanks for our blessings.  Wonder what Christmas dinner will bring??????

I hope you all had an equally fine Thanksgiving.   Until next time, take care.

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