Monday, January 28, 2013

Breakfast and Shopping In Branson


This is my 3rd posting of our Branson trip last August;  only one more after this one, I promise!

This was on a Saturday.  My husband, Ronnie, had left early to go to a SASS gun shoot somewhere around Branson, so my cousin Kay, her husband Joe, and I decided to go out to breakfast and then do some shopping at the outlet mall.

Our breakfast stop was at McFarlain's on Shepherd of the Hills Expressway.  It is in a little enclosed Mall with the IMAX Theater and is really quite nice.  The decor is kind of cowboy - 1880's - antique, and it is really nice with great food.  The 3 of us sat at a round table, ordered our food and started talking and catching up on our lives.  You know, things you don't chat about on Facebook or in emails.  Anyway, our food arrived and we ate and continued talking.  At one point I said something to the effect that I was sure sitting low, I could almost just slide the food from plate to mouth.  A while later, cousin Kay said she knew what I meant about the seating/table.  Then the waitress came over and started laughing and told us why we felt that way.  The table is on an electronic "riser", which slowly raises the height of the table.  We were so busy talking we didn't notice it until it got to the point where the table was almost higher than our chins!  I'm telling you, we laughed so hard, and we each got a certificate saying we belonged to the Rising Table Society!  Very cute.  So if you go to McFarlain's in Branson beware of the round table on either side of the serving station.  They are the only 2 that "rise".........

This picture (above) is cousins Kay and Joe.  I think we were about to enter McFarlain's for breakfast.

The following pictures are just random shots of things along the way.  We did have a great time shopping at the outlet mall and made a couple purchases.  Also during our stay we went to a quaint little place for dessert one night - peach or berry cobbler and ice cream, etc., another breakfast outing that wasn't very good, dinner at Chili's the first day, snacks at McDonald's and a $10 donation to 2 homeless guys with a dog.  We surely did get the "feel" of living in Branson I think, besides the entertainment part.  There is an old fashioned dime store in "old" downtown Branson called Dick's 5 & 10  that is a must to visit if you go there.  They have practically anything and everything you'd ever want and can remember from your childhood.  It's huge and is run the old fashioned way - all inventoried, stocked, etc. by hand - no electronic stuff!  It's amazing.  Even the tour buses make a stop there!!

The first 2 pictures are inside of McFarlain's where we ate breakfast.

So, that's it for this time.  Tomorrow I'll wind this up with our outing at Yakov's dinner show!  Until next time, take care.

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