Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday 2010


I hate to admit this, but Easter/Resurrection Day really sneaked up on me this year. I think it was this past Monday - the 18th - when I discovered when Easter was! Shame on me. Maybe it's because it is really late this year. At any rate, it is one of my favorite religious holidays. Where would we be without God sacrificing His only Son for us, and forgiving us all our sins. I love it. My favorite greeting on Easter Sunday is "He is Risen!" and to hear in response, "He is Risen indeed!"

And maybe because of this holy season, I decided to do devotionals during the week from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. I started in the book of James around Ch.18 or so, and read the crucifixtion story -- again. What a great place to start.

Now, what do these pictures have to do with Easter you ask? Well, on Palm Sunday Jesus rode a donkey into town. So the story goes. So I thought you might like to see my donkeys again! :)

This is - left to right- me, Eyeore and Jenny


This is Eyeore getting his treat - either peppermint or apple.


Eyeore is trying to tell me it's a curry comb in my hand, and he'd really like to have a combing! Providing I can figure out what to do with it.


And this is Jenny getting her treat. She is still kind of skittish, but getting better.


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I hope that each and every one of you have a Blessed Easter. And before the eggs and rabbits and candy (if you tolerate that stuff) take time to give praise to our God and His son, Jesus Christ. Enjoy your holiday meal.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

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