Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Week's Happenings


This is how the last two days have been here on the "mountain". Gray and foggy; the fog so heavy at times it covers the trees, ground and porches with a rain-like wetness.

It certainly reminds you that Winter has now arrived. But the good thing is that now the days will start to slowly get longer.

The few days since I last posted have been busy. Sunday was our Christmas Service at church, and it was beautiful. The children did their little play and sang some songs; one of which was Amazing Grace! I was so surprised they sang that, and they actually did a great job. These are 3 to 7 year old's we're talking about! Then the story of the birth of Jesus told in song by our Worship team, and scripture readings and a very short word from our pastor. Very lovely and enjoyable. After church Ronnie and I went to lunch with 3 ladies from church and had a great visit. A wonderful lady, who was perhaps my first acquaintance when I started going to this church, gave Ronnie a beautiful leather bound NLT Bible with his name imprinted on it. It was really kind of cute; she said "Now Teri, I don't like Ronnie better than you, but this is for Ronnie since he is the spiritual leader of the family." She gave me some home-made peanut clusters! We laughed at that one! She is 85 years old, and a real goer!

Monday was one of my granddaughter's 13th Birthday! They are sure growing up fast. Also on Monday morning, we went to Sallisaw to do our Christmas dinner shopping at WalMart. Got a turkey and pie making stuff and all the other necessities. While shopping, I had them change the oil in the van, so that worked out well.

Yesterday Ronnie and brother Tom went to Tulsa. Tom sold his big truck to a dealer there, so Ronnie went to give him a ride back home. They were gone all day; and guess what? Today they went off again, shopping at WalMart in Stigler! I told them they were worse than little old (or not so old) ladies when it came to going and shopping!

But while they were gone yesterday I had the opportunity to do all the laundry, vacuum and play the Christmas songs on my piano without interruption. Kind of nice, actually. So now it is only 3 days until Christmas. I hope you are all ready and rested up for the festivities!

Take care and God Bless.


Beth said...

You have a very nice blog. The church service sounds beautiful.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

It gets foggy here in West Texas, or at least in the area we are in, because of all of the ponds. We have no snow as of yet and the temperatures have been in the 70's.Hope this finds that you had a wonderful Christmas Blessings,Kathleen