I finished my "mat" for the loveseat the other day. It seems to serve the purpose as I know Ms Salli has been up on it!
This is how it was before: A piece of paper to keep the cat off, which got all ripped and crumpled from Salli jumping up during the night for a snooze!
This is how it looks now with the rag rug mat I made from T-shirts! A big improvement I think, even though the colors could have been better.
I think it will be especially nice when people come to visit, as they don't have to worry about sitting on a piece of newspaper! :) I don't have many visitors up here on the hill, but I know it will be better! I'm all out of T-shirts now and really need to get some more. I'm going to a clothes closet Saturday and see what I can find. I hear the clothes are free to those who want them, so I'm hoping they will have an abundance of T-shirts.
I've been busy today doing laundry, vacuuming and baking a birthday cake for my husband. He will turn 63 tomorrow. We are going out to a new place for dinner in Muskogee. I have no idea where or what this place is, but time will tell. Something he found on line........... Yesterday was a busy day going grocery shopping and doing laundry. Seems like our weekly trips to WalMart wear me out anymore. A sign of getting older I guess..............
Tomorrow will be very busy, as I have a perm at 11:30 a.m, bible study at 1:30 p.m. and then hurry home to get the birthday boy and head for Muskogee! I should sleep good tomorrow night!
Until next time, take care.